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Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is a software interface that integrates software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software. Thousands of plugins exist, both commercial and freeware, and a large number of audio applications support VST under license from its creator, Steinberg.
Home » 2025 » January » 12 » 8Dio Circle Strings KONTAKT | 4.19 GB
8Dio Circle Strings KONTAKT | 4.19 GB

8Dio Circle Strings KONTAKT

Custom Strings. Incredible Sounds
We partnered with our master luthier and designed an instrument from scratch looking for new sounds, new timbres, new possibilities of sonic fulfilment, and we created Circle Strings.

Circle Strings is a peculiar instrument that can produce sound in every possible way – bowing the strings, plucking the strings, hitting the instrument, etc.

Anything is possible; the secret is in the resonance of its sympathetic box.

Everything started when we decided that looking for new sounds was the way to go. We called our master luthier and designed an instrument with experimentation in mind.

After months of tryouts, it was ready – and, since it had never been done before, we decided to capture its sounds from any possible angle and microphone in mind. Contact mics, overheads, close mics, but also shotguns, dynamics, below mics and even inside mics.

After countless hours of sampling, editing, and coding, the result was a beautiful library, designed to enrich your compositions with new sonic colors and resonance adventures!

To increase the possibilities, we also recorded dozens of Sound Effects, packed the library with an interface full of possibilities with our FX Pads and our latest CHAOS FX and created presets to offer you examples of what can be achieved!

Finally, we used our superstring technique to create long tails that can be used to enrich the sound in an organic way!





Rubber Hits
Finger Hits
Superstring Tail


Finger Pluck
Pick Pluck
Col legno
Superstring Tail


Bow Upwards
Superstring Tail


Effects 1
Effects 2


All about the bass
Angelic Tubes CC1
Eastern Jewel
Eerie Ambiance CC1
Electric Pulses CC1
Massive Steps
Mystery Boat CC1
PVC Pads
Running Out of Time CC1
Time CC1

- Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or later required
- Not compatible with free Kontakt Player
- Minimum: Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. 4 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended. For TMPro Patches, i7 or equivalent is highly recommended.
- Circle Strings Requires 4.3 GB of Hard Drive Space
- 4 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended

Home page: https://8dio.com/products/custom-instrument-series-circle-strings?variant=41310088790216



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Category: Sound Libraries | Reads: 264 | Dark_Angel
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