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Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is a software interface that integrates software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software. Thousands of plugins exist, both commercial and freeware, and a large number of audio applications support VST under license from its creator, Steinberg.
Home » 2020 » September » 1 » Audiofier Riffendium v1.02 KONTAKT | 5.22 GB
Audiofier Riffendium v1.02 KONTAKT | 5.22 GB

Audiofier Riffendium v1.02 KONTAKT

RIFFENDIUM SERIES is a themed sample library collection for modern producers and composers.
It includes loops of real, modeled, synthesized and designed instruments, resulting in an original palette of inspiring sounds for creators of electronic and organic music.
Our first release in this series is a collection of electric guitar loops which spans from clean ballads strumming and arpeggios techniques to raging grunge rock guitar riffs.

2 Instruments
Our first instalment of this new series includes 2 instruments: RIFFENDIUM and RIFFENDIUM DI bundled in a single package. RIFFENDIUM’s samples pool is made of recordings taken from the amplifier’s output and offers ready made guitar sounds, for a fast workflow. RIFFENDIUM DI offers samples taken from the guitar output signal, allowing you to use your favourite Amp Simulator and guitar chain, to fit your music 100%.

Articulations Sequencer
Generate unique custom loops by using RIFFENDIUM’s articulations sequencer. Since the articulations come from a real performance, the result will always sound like a real guitarist playing a new guitar part.

44 Guitar Performances
Start from one of the 44 original recordings, then edit, re-arrange the slices, randomise, save new guitar parts. This first release includes useful guitar loops that will fit in many styles of music, from rock to film scoring.

From Guitars to Infinity
Riffendium’s engine makes it incredibly easy to create a guitar sound that fits your song, but it also allows you to build out-wordly sounds that you won’t believe they originated from a guitar performance.

No more stale one-key loops. These loops are alive!
Stale loops will hardly fit your music chords and will result as a robotic repetition of the same thing over and over. RIFFENDIUM’s loops will follow your chords as they were recorded in most major and minor shapes (and more than just that). RIFFENDIUM’s loops use Round Robins, therefore at every cycle the loop will sound slightly different, like a real guitar performance.

Pedals, Speakers and Effects
RIFFENDIUM provides the straight Amp Output signal and different Cabinets simulations for more tweak-ability. You can also bypass RIFFENDIUM speaker simulations and use your favourite Cabinet impulse responses. Also, 4 distortion, 4 modulation effects plus master delay and reverb are available for more sound tweaking.

v1.01 Update:
- Now includes Riffendium REV and REV DI, which use the same samples pool of Riffendium, but have the ability to reverse the loop slices.
- Added a new pitch control to Riffendium and Riffendium DI.

v1.02 Update:
- This update reduces CPU usage for all versions and fixes a group mapping in Riffendium.


Home page: http://www.audiofier.com/riffendium/




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Category: Sound Libraries | Reads: 1752 | Dark_Angel
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