Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is a software interface that integrates software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with
audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate
traditional recording studio hardware in software. Thousands of plugins exist, both commercial and freeware, and a large
number of audio applications support VST under license from its creator, Steinberg.
Home » 2025»January»12 » GetGood Drums One Kit Wonder Brutal KONTAKT | 3 GB
GetGood Drums One Kit Wonder Brutal KONTAKT | 3 GB
GetGood Drums One Kit Wonder Brutal KONTAKT
One Kit Wonder: Brutal brings a chaotic, ultra-heavy sound to the lineup. With a ferocious snare, pummeling kick, tribal single-headed toms and aggressive cymbals, it thrives on the extremes - whether that's straight-up death metal, post-apocalyptic industrial, blackened thrash or reverb-swamped doom, you'll get what you need. Check out the features:
• Kontakt Player Library (with full NKS integration) and can be used with Kontakt’s Free Player – no need to buy the full version of Kontakt to use GGD!
• Mix ready drum tones - good to go out of the box
• A brand new, fully-featured and intuitive UI
• Built-in Groove player
• Built-in Master EQ, Parallel Compression and Reverb
• The entire kit is tuned to perfection, so you’ll never be fighting against sour notes in your mix
• Every sample is phase-coherent for easy layering
It’s our hope that this sample library will remove frustrating barriers in your creative process so that you can enjoy making music to the fullest.
Plug-In Formats
• Mac OS X (64-bit only)
• Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX
• AAXWindows (32/64-bit)
• Stand-alone, VST, AAX
• Kontakt Player 7 -or- Kontakt 7 (latest version)
CPU Requirements
• Mac OS X 12 (latest update), i5
• Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
• An Internet connection and a graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher are required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.
• 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Instruments)
Supported Interfaces
• Mac OS X (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX
• Windows (32/64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, AAX
• Kontakt Player 7 -or- Kontakt 7 (latest version)
Required disk space
• 1 GB for Kontakt Player
• 3.5GB for OKW: Brutal Instrument
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