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Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is a software interface that integrates software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software. Thousands of plugins exist, both commercial and freeware, and a large number of audio applications support VST under license from its creator, Steinberg.
Home » 2025 » January » 26 » Musical Sampling Atelier Series Amber KONTAKT | 1.33 GB
Musical Sampling Atelier Series Amber KONTAKT | 1.33 GB

Musical Sampling Atelier Series Amber KONTAKT

     Performed by Amber Balltzglier, Atelier Series Amber is the first of it’s kind – a true, triple-tracked legato vocal library.   

That means we recorded all of the performances three times (per vowel) and stacked them on top of each other. This way the subtle inconsistencies in speed/pitch between each vocal take can play off each other, resulting in a performance/sound that resides somewhere between a solo vocal and a choir.

Initially intended for pop settings, we quickly learned that it’s uniquely-suited for cinematic, EDM and world genres as well.

In addition to the natural 3 Ensemble Legato patches, we created faux 9 Ensemble versions; massive lead instruments intended for epic/dramatic passages. With all the legato patches, if you hit velocity 100 or above, it triggers a consonant attack: Lah for the Ah’s, Woh for Oh’s and Doo for Ooo’s.

Also included is Awakenings – a keyswitch suite of seven different designed pads sourced from the vocal recordings.

Amber Balltzglier
Aside from touring extensively for seven years, Amber Balltzglier has served as a session vocalist for 20+ years. Currently, she is the Worship Arts pastor at Rock Spring Church in Milner, Georgia. She has been married to her husband Mark for 17 years and is mom to Hess, Harper and Holland. They reside in Forsyth, Georgia.

- Amber – 3 Ensemble Legato – Ah
- Amber – 3 Ensemble Legato – Oh
- Amber – 3 Ensemble Legato – Ooo
- Amber – 9 Ensemble Legato – Ah
- Amber – 9 Ensemble Legato – Oh
- Amber – 9 Ensemble Legato – Ooo
- Sustains Ooo – Ah (MW)
- Sustains Ooo – Oh (MW)
- Awakenings – KS

- Triple-stacked legato female vocals
- 3 Ensemble & faux 9 Ensemble patch variations
- Looped, non-vibrato performances
- Consonant attack control
- Awakenings patch sourced from vocal recordings
- Adjustable reverb of custom hall impulse



Requires FULL retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher!

Home page: https://musicalsampling.com/amber/



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Category: Sound Libraries | Reads: 314 | Dark_Angel
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