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Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is a software interface that integrates software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software. Thousands of plugins exist, both commercial and freeware, and a large number of audio applications support VST under license from its creator, Steinberg.
Home » 2024 » June » 23 » Sonora Cinematic Harmonic Bloom v1.3 KONTAKT | 8 GB
Sonora Cinematic Harmonic Bloom v1.3 KONTAKT | 8 GB

Sonora Cinematic Harmonic Bloom v1.3 KONTAKT

Sonora Cinematic Harmonic Bloom for the free Kontakt Player exploits the concept of the harmonic series to turn noise into unique and distinctive musical material that can be used in your compositions.

From calm and reflective organic soundscapes to dark and imposing mechanical pads and textures, Harmonic Bloom offers an awe-inspiring array of sound design possibilities – and that’s just with the built-in noises and sound sources! Import your own samples into the easy to use interface to craft rich, complex and captivating instruments like no other.

What's more, thanks to a recent update, you can now save patches that use your own samples as snapshots and recall them in your DAW session.



How It Works
Drag and drop any “noisy” sample into the GUI or choose from one of the 30 included flavours of noise and simply start extracting harmonics from these chaotic waveforms to obtain a musical pitch.

That’s just the beginning… use the plethora of built-in LFOs to independently modulate the panning, volume and filters of each single harmonic. Creating lush, evolving soundscapes is as easy as turning just a few knobs!

The noise is only half the story of this incredible tool. Add a second layer from a curated selection of deep sampled sound sources ranging from rare instruments to classic analog synths, guitars to reamped acoustic instruments and more.

Ever wondered how a French horn played through an electric guitar tube amp sounds like? How about a classic analog synth from the ‘60s passed on cassette and through a granular processor? With Harmonic Bloom there are numerous combinations with which to explore and experiment. Check out the video below to experience some of the sounds...



Version 1.3 Update:
Sonora Cinematic added another 78 presets exclusively created by 5 exceptionally talented artists. The update also adds the features to save patches that use your own samples as snapshots and recall them in your DAW session.


Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v7.0 and higher!

Home page: https://sonoracinematic.com/products/harmonic-bloom-by-sonora-cinematic



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Category: Sound Libraries | Reads: 114 | Dark_Angel
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